
Category Archives for "Stories"

What is a Mulch and How to Apply It

In general, mulch is just a material, applied in layers on the soil surface. There are many reasons for mulching. They include conserving soil moisture, improving the health and fertility of the soil, reducing weeds, enhancing visual looks, etc. This article focuses on mulch, its types, application details, and uses. Generally, weeds require sunlight to […]

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All about Loam Soil

In common terms, we use to call loam, clay, sand, silt, etc., dirt. It is important to know the soil type in your area for growing the right plants. However, most plants prefer loam soils to thrive better. By definition, loam is a balanced, healthy mixture of sand, clay, and silt soils. This article focuses […]

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All about Hazelnuts

In the world commercial market, Hazelnuts and their by-products have a huge demand. Hazelnuts are species of the genus Corylus avellana. These nuts are cultivated in different varieties. Among them, cobnuts and filberts are most widely use and consumed. The cobnut is almost oval in shape. It measures about 15 – 25 mm in length […]

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How do Almonds Grow

How do almonds grow – many enthusiasts have this question. In fact, people all over the world, including the US love these nuts. It is rich in nutrients and also has a delicious flavor. Its consumption increases every year, particularly in the US. Hence, this product has never declining high commercial values. In spite of […]

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