
Monthly Archives: November 2018

Do Carrots Go Bad? And How to Store Them The Right Ways

I have not had any rotten carrots at home. I do not mind the expiry dates because it never lasts that long at home. We love to eat carrots, so when my kids see one, it disappears in a bit. Carrots are not expensive, convenient, delicious, nutritious, and they have a longer shelf life. It’s […]

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How Long Does It Take For Snail Eggs To Hatch?

If you’re planning to place an aquarium at home, then for sure, you’re into buying fishes, corals, water plants, and maybe, snails. I got one at a corner in my living room, pretty enough to watch especially when I need a breather for the day. I like to see those tiny snails sticking on the […]

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How Long Does Broccoli Last In The Fridge?

Not everyone likes broccoli. Ask my daughter if she does. I didn’t know when I was her age too. However, when I get older and recognizes the importance of health, I tend to eat more vegetables than I used to be. How long does broccoli last in the fridge? It’s the same question I ask each […]

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Flowers That Start With K: Can You Name Them?

If you had fun collecting flowers that starts with a letter E, I am wondering if you are up for another challenge. Can you name flowers that start with K? This could be a memory game for some, but for a green thumb, this is just a piece of cake. Some flowers that start with K […]

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