7 Flowers that start with C and Meanings


Thousands of flowering plants that are equally beautiful in their own special way abound everywhere, and each name is meaningful. Sometimes, it is not just the name but also the memories that give ample significance to a particular flower. You will enjoy not only the beauty of your flowers but also their enhanced fragrance as well.

Now, let me give you a list of flowers that start with C. Test yourself and find out if you are familiar with the beauties!

1. California Poppy: Super Bloom Annual Flower


California poppies bloom around early spring to autumn regardless of its variety. This annual plant ranges from the tall, dwarf, double, and single. If you notice, this four-petaled flower has developed different colors in time. This native from Southwestern USA is a remarkable sight with its “super bloom” events.

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You can choose California poppy in diverse hues of pale yellow, orange, or cream. Those cultured kinds are white, shades of red, and pink. The stem measures are an approximate ten (10) inches long. The foliage, on the other hand, is feathery and with gray-green color. 

2. Carnation: The flower of a mother’s undying love and affection.


Carnation is a flower with a rich history of two thousand years. Hence, do not be surprised if you often hear it mentioned in mythology and with symbolism. Scholars say that the name comes from the word coronation because Greeks use the flower as ceremonial crowns. Some say it means “corona” because it is a favorite flower for making garlands.

Carnation displays a variation of colors like white for pure love and providence, light red for admiration, dark red for profound love and fondness, purple for unpredictability, pink for a mother’s undying love and affection. Overall, Carnation represents love and distinction, each of the colors is unique in every way.

3. Chrysanthemum: The Flower of Autumn


Also called as a Mother’s Day flower in Australia, the flower of autumn is Australian’s favorite to express their love for their moms. The blooms of Chrysanthemum is a sign that autumn is just around the corner. The gold color is the most in demand because of its glorious hue and perfume. Pink is in abundance in the local area while the white and the yellow shades are mostly found in the wilds.

Chrysanthemum is annual plants that bloom profusely on spring. Since they are under the perennial plant's category, their upper parts die during the winter season. Do not underestimate this type of flower since it is utterly tough and a survivor that will bloom again on the following season. Lastly, do you know that Chrysanthemum is a great source of Pyrethrins that protects us from mosquitos and other harmful bugs?

4. Clover: The flower that is useful for both beautification and livestock feed.


Are you familiar with the idiom “to be in clover?” It means a life full of freedom, comfort, and prosperity.  This flower does not only beautifies your homes but serves as a livestock feed as well. Clovers attract bees that is why clover honey is the next significant product of clover agriculture. 

The short-lived herbs have a small but fragrant flower with thick petals so close to each other that resembles sphere-shaped heads or points. You may find clover variations of white, pink, red, or yellow. Majority of the species is tough enough to withstand lack of sunlight, frequent mowing, and foot traffic. Clover is edible to livestock and offers a high level of protein, phosphorus, and calcium.

5. Cosmos: Known as the LOVE flowers


It is surprising that Cosmos is the flowers of LOVE. From the name itself, it means harmony, order, and splendor of the universe. Their fragrance is not significant for pollination but what attracts the bees is its vibrant colors. Therefore, better put together a bunch of Cosmos to be able to appreciate its beauty since a single blossom will not be that impressive to the eye.

Although they are annual plants, they self-seed readily which makes this type of plant a delight in your lawn. It comes in the hue of pink, white, red, orange, and yellow varieties. The tall stems with a single flower on top are capable of multiplying into hundreds or thousands of seeds.

6. Coneflower: The flower for Strength or Health


Are you wondering why Coneflower is the flower for strength and health? You should know that these flowers have healing properties and consider as one of the many useful herbs. You will notice that its flower resembles a Daisy flower that has elevated middles. It is easy to grow and is tolerant of different conditions.

Coneflower is great in healing and has herbal properties such as a mild natural antibiotic, boosts your immune system, a cure for rabies, snakebites, and septicemia. You can mix various type of Coneflower like the purple and yellow Black-eyed Susan to make a stunning bouquet.

7. Cardinal Flower: The Showy Blossoms


Cardinal flower is a brilliant scarlet-colored native wildflower that you can find in swamps, rivers, brooks, and low woods. The striking looks make it hard for you not to notice the flowers. Even in the distance, the blooms are excessively showy to ignore. Each flower is delicate that slowly blooms from bottom to top on to three-foot spikes.

The summer flower has dark green tapered leaves at both ends effectively attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Take note that Cardinal flowers can grow with either full sun or shade, but it thrives best with filtered light. This type of bulb is under the Bluebell family.


It is amazing to know that each flower name denotes a touching meaning. It may be because of history, abundance, a particular place, or event that we can relate your favorite flower. With the list of flowers that start with C, which one of them is close to your heart? If you like, you can drop a comment and tell me why your chosen flower is meaningful to you!

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